First let me introduce him....he was famously known by the name of father of the nation(baba wa taifa), our hero ofcourse!!He acted locally but in no doubt he thought globally....by my side the ones succeeded him are the ones who did put us in this seemingly bad position socially and economically....
Rest in peace our hero and we promise that next month in your day 14th of october we will put a lot of your wise words you spoke in this blog....
I know you do not agree with my words because you are a young Tanzanian at college trying to question some of the things he did...but you better think positively and work on his ideas...this is the story of his education if you think that you are over him....
Kambarage Nyerere was born on April 13, 1922. He began attending Government Primary School in Musoma at the age of 12 where he completed the 4 years programme in 3 years and went on to Tabora Government School(Tabora boys my former schoool ofcourse) in 1937. He received a scholarship to attend Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda where he obtained a teaching Diploma. He returned to Tanganyika and worked for 3 years at St. Mary’s Secondary School in Tabora, where he taught Biology and English. In 1949 he got a scholarship to attend the University of Edinburgh (he was the first Tanzanian to study at a British university and only the second to gain a university degree outside Africa) where he obtained his Masters of Arts degree on Economics and History in 1952. In Edinburgh, partly through his encounter with Fabian thinking, Nyerere began to develop his particular vision of connecting socialism with African communal living.
Still doubting that he is not that kind of a person...okay don't worry just look at the above post and you can imagine how wise the man was!!
Its me william famously known as bill jax.
I remember him for the Arusha declarartion. Without nationalizing schools a big chunk of the community would continue to be unschooled forever.
Ndugu wanafunzi wenzangu, najua hapa si mahala pake na sahihi nilitakiwa kuwasiliana na mtunza blog lakini sikufanya hivyo, swali langu ni kwamba, hivi hapa nchini kwetu Tanzania "ASSOCIATE DEGREES" zinatambulika na kama zinatambulika ni kwa equivalence zipi kutokana na mfumo wetu wa elimu hapo nchini jinsi ulivyo. Naomba mwenye maoni ama maelezo ayabandike hapa kwa faida ya wote. Asanteni sana.
Hata hao wanaotoa associate degree hawatambuwi diploma zetu wala advanced diploma. Hawawaruhusu watu wa advanced diploma kuchukua masters eti hawana bachela na husema wana associate.
Na sisi hatuitambui associate na tukiitambua basi ni ordinary diploma. Ongeza miaka 2 upate bachela
Tanzania kwa mfumo wake wa elimu haueleweki na ni mgumu sana sana. Mwanafunzi aliyesoma chuo kikuu fulani ni vigumu kuhama na masomo yake hayo hayo kama akiachia mwaka wa pili au tatu , kwenda katika chuo kingine.Hasa kama unataka kuhamia chuo kikuu cha DAR na SUA morogoro.
Vyuo hivyo hupenda uanze nao mwanzo kabisa , bila kujali transcript za chuo kile cha mwanzo au miaka uliyosoma. Inakuwa vigumu sana sana sana. Kiasi fulani kwa vyuo hivyo viwili inaeleweka , kwamba ni vikubwa kwa TZ.
Ushauri wa bure ni kwamba malizia degree yako ya mwanzo huko uliko.Hapa associate degree hawana na hawaijui, ni maelezo marefu mno kwao na wao hawaelewi kitu.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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